Anna went for her first adjustment of the Latham device on Wednesday, June 25 at Dr. Cox's Office. She had just had her 4 month old visit at the pediatrician's office the day before, so she was very sore from the three shots they gave her at that check-up and had a low-grade fever. Dr. Cox, Anna's dentist that performed her first surgery, had to cut and remove some of the chains that exist on the device in her mouth. Dr. Cox explained to us how the device works.
These are the three functions that are taking place as he/we adjust the device:
(1) The device is pulling her premaxillary segment (what you see protruding underneath her nose) back into her mouth using pressure from the chains that he adjusts.
(2) The Latham device is widening the space between her gums so that the premaxillary segment will fit between the gums once it is pulled down.
(3) The device is pulling her gums forward, as well, so that her gums meet and touch when the premaxillary segment is in a flattened position for Dr. Larry Sargent to do her lip repair. He will sew her gums together at that surgery, as well.

We have begun to turn the tiny screw that rests on top of Anna's tongue twice a day. She was awake most of the night after her first adjustment. I believe that she felt so much pressure that she was not accustomed to, that it kept her from resting. It made her quite belligerent at times throughout the night. She eventually went to sleep on Daddy's chest and slept in hour intervals as long as she was held. There was really no resting that first night for her when you laid her down in her bed..she wanted to be held (understandably wanting someone to comfort her.)
Anna's nose appeared much more deformed and unsymmetrical after the first adjustment because too much pressure was applied from the nasal stints. It is hard for Dr. Cox to know exactly how much pressure is on the stints so it is sometimes necessary to readjust the stints. We went back to his office on Friday, June 27 to have him readjust the nasal stints and he decided to completely remove any pressure on the inside of the nose. This photo was taken after we returned home from Chattanooga. It was good to see her give us a big smile after a few rough days and her nose looks normal again.
We are so grateful that Dr. Cox made a special trip to the office to see us and make Anna's needed adjustments. He normally does surgeries on Fridays and does not have scheduled office visits, but he made arrangements to accommodate us. He left for vacation that night and called to check on Anna while he was gone, which was very thoughtful. We have been very pleased with the doctors in the Craniofacial Team at T.C. Thompson Hospital in Chattanooga, TN, that are performing Anna's surgeries.
The nasal stints are bent and moved weekly to various positions as the Latham device moves everything into proper position, and we go back to the doctor on Monday, July 8th, to adjust them again. We were supposed to continue turning the screw until Wednesday, July 2nd, but I took Anna to the ENT on Tuesday and dropped by Dr.Cox's office while in Chattanooga to have them adjust a wire on the nasal stint that was rubbing her gum. They decided to have me wait to adjust it anymore so the wire would not continue to rub. Anna's ENT appointment went well. They did her follow-up appointment from the tubes they placed in her ears. She passed her hearing screens and the tubes looked fine.

Samuel is doing well. He attended his first "Camp Meeting" where he heard various preachers this past week. Daddy took him overnight on Tuesday for this experience. He has become quite the daddy's boy! He is talking all the time and repeating everything you say. His latest obsession is with airplanes and helicopters right now. He listens for them passing by when he plays in the back yard and looks for them flying overhead in the sky. He is always looking for one in his books, as well, and wants to watch a video about them as often as we will let him. Anna watches everything he does and her eyes follow him all around the room. He is an energetic little fellow, keeping Mommy very busy, too! The "terrible twos" have arrived in some capacity. We are working on sharing, and he is beginning to take an interest in potty-training. Most of our time is not that "terrible"...He gives Anna good share of kisses on her head throughout the day and loves on her constantly. His greatest enjoyment comes from clapping her hands together as he sings the last word to every line of "Patty Cake". Time has flown by the last few years watching him grow and change, and I'm sure they will do the same with Anna.

Love and thanks to you all for your continued thoughts and prayers!
The Carr Family
"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." Jeremiah 31:25
Oh, thank goodness for His times of refreshing! This week brings thoughts of words to a song that has prodded me through the days that have been difficult..."I need Thee, O, I need thee, Every hour I need thee. Bless me now, my Saviour. I come to Thee." I sing these words and pray them repeatedly lately. I realize more and more how much I need the Lord and how sufficient He is to help us through all that we face. Praise God for His goodness!